發(fā)布時間:2017-06-04 15:31:07判斷推理模擬題十一、演繹推理在下面的每道題中給出了一段陳述,在這項考試中,本陳述被假定是正確的,不容置疑的。請你根據(jù)這段陳述從四個備選答案中選出一個能夠從陳述中直接推出的結論。1.作為中國文壇的一大創(chuàng)新,紀實文學近年來成為最熱門的寫作體裁。但輝煌過后,麻煩也隨之而來,指控紀實文學侵害名譽權的官司頻頻開庭,眼下的一例是某作家的《法撼汾西》與《天網(wǎng)》引出的8位山西老鄉(xiāng)當原告,北京市某區(qū)人民法院受理此案,成為京城的一大熱點。由此可推知:A.紀實文學是中國人首創(chuàng)的B.某作家的兩篇紀實文學侵害了8位山西老鄉(xiāng)的名譽權C.紀實文學的輝煌時期已經(jīng)過去D.某作家是一個紀實文學作家2.時間是有方向性的,總是從過去向未來流動。這就是時間之箭。在生物進化過程中,時間的過去與未來是不對稱的,這是一個不可逆過程。但生物進化的時間箭頭與熵增不同。熵增意味著退化,即舊事物的分解和衰亡;而進化是新事物的產(chǎn)生和發(fā)展,它的時間箭頭是指向熵減少的。因此A.生物的進化只有一個方向B.生物的演化可分為退化和進化兩大類C.生物進化過去用的時間短,未來用的時間長D.熵的變化是沒有方向性的3.作為社會基礎的生產(chǎn)過程是現(xiàn)實的,是以復雜的形式出現(xiàn)的,包括生產(chǎn)、分配、交換和 消費的全過程。社會睜代的特點是由主要的生產(chǎn)關系決定的,但是,以主要生產(chǎn)關系為中心,還并存著其它附屬的生產(chǎn)關系。因此:A.只有存在純粹的生產(chǎn)關系,才能使一社會時代具有鮮明的特征B.經(jīng)濟基礎是綜合的,是一社會全部生產(chǎn)關系的總和C.上層建筑決定著一社會的生產(chǎn)關系D.一社會時代主要的生產(chǎn)關系決定著該社會的一切特點4.情感是人類對世界的藝術掌握的重要特征。藝術審美正是要以情感規(guī)范藝術對象、以情感感染、啟示藝術鑒賞者。因此:A.人類的生活實踐是藝術的源泉B.人類對世界的藝術掌握即是情感的掌握C.一切藝術都與情感有關D.藝術都以高尚的人類情感為對象5.盡管資本是價值創(chuàng)造過程中的重要手段,其積累的確是經(jīng)濟增長不可缺少的物質(zhì)條件,但作為物化勞動或死勞動,它不可能自己創(chuàng)造自己。離開了人的勞動,它只能是一堆不能增值的一般等價物而已。其二,資本并非個人努力的產(chǎn)物,而是集體或社會勞動的結果,從生理學的角度來看,每個人的勞動能力(無論是體力還是腦力)并不存在巨大差別。僅靠占有和積累自己的剩余勞動是不可能暴富的。所以說:A.資本是剩余價值的表現(xiàn)B.暴富只有靠占有別人的剩余價值才能實現(xiàn)C.資本都是社會全體成員的D.在一定條件下,資本也可以創(chuàng)造價值,6.然而,對測驗的使用也有許多批評甚至攻擊;使用測驗有時甚至會帶來事與愿違的不良后果。造成這種情況的原因,固然在于測驗本身還不是盡善盡美,正像世界上許多東西都非盡善盡美一樣,更多的在于人們對測驗的誤解和誤用正像我們時常誤解和誤用世界上許多其它東西一樣。因此:A.我們應該取消測驗B.使用測驗能使我們解決生活中的一切難題C.還應不斷地完善測驗并引導人們正確地認識和使用測驗D.測驗是可有可無的東西7.學者們已經(jīng)證明;效率與公平是對矛盾統(tǒng)一體。實現(xiàn)共同富裕需要經(jīng)歷若干階段性過程,不可能一蹴而就,但我們又不能不在每一個階段為實現(xiàn)共同富裕作具體的準備。因此:A.我們要在重視效率的前提下,兼顧公平B.我們首先要重視公平C.我們要堅持效率優(yōu)先D.效率與公平之間的矛盾永遠不可能得到正確解決8.小劉、小李、小馮三人在英語四級考試后自己估計:小劉說: 我肯定優(yōu)秀小李說: 我肯定及格了小馮說: 我不可能是優(yōu)秀成績下來以后發(fā)現(xiàn);他們?nèi)齻€人全猜錯了,并且不及格、及格、優(yōu)秀各一個??梢姡篈.小劉丕及格,小李優(yōu)秀,小馮及格B.小劉優(yōu)秀,小李及格,小馮不及格C.小劉及格,小李不及格,小馮優(yōu)秀D.小劉及格,小李優(yōu)秀,小馮不及格,9.根據(jù)邊際收益遞減規(guī)律我們可以知道,在其他投入不變的情況下,隨著某一投入量的增加,我們獲得的產(chǎn)出增量越來越小,但是在邊際成本等于邊際收益之前,都是有利可圖的。作為一個廠商我們應當:A. 盡可能地減少投入,以保證最大的邊際收益B.增加投入,直到邊際成本等于邊際收益C.盡可能增加投入,以獲得最大利潤D.維持一個固定的投入量10.世界人均淡水量約8300立方米,但每年2/3以洪水形式流失,其余的1/3為飲用水和灌溉用水,由于工業(yè)化和人類用水量的增加,目前世界用水量與1990年相比增加了近10倍。未來的淡水不足是構成經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和糧食生產(chǎn)的制約因素之一。因此:A.要減少工業(yè)用水B.要減少生活用水C.一方面要節(jié)約用水,另一方面應開發(fā)利用新的淡水資源,以解決缺水問題D.必須減少人口總數(shù)以擴大人均淡水水量二、定義判斷11.連續(xù)犯,是指行為人基于數(shù)個同一的犯罪故意,連續(xù)多次實施數(shù)個性質(zhì)相同的犯罪行為,觸犯同一罪名的犯罪形態(tài)。下列屬于連續(xù)犯的是:A.某甲為了殺害乙、丙,一次性將藥物放人其飯鍋內(nèi),造成乙、丙同時死亡B.某賭徒為了償還賭債,先后8次人室行竊,竊得臟款三萬余萬C.江西一惡匪,流竄全國,多次殺人、搶劫,竊得臟款三萬余元D.某出納員偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)單位財務制度存在疏漏,將3000元公款占為已有。后來又再次利用該漏洞貪污8000元12.行政處分,是指國家機關、企事業(yè)單位依照法律或規(guī)定賦予的權限,根據(jù)法律或有關規(guī)章制度,按照行政隸屬關系,給予違反規(guī)章制度或犯有輕微失職行為尚不夠刑事處分者的 種制裁。下列不屬于行政處分的是:A. 因貪污而被開除公職B.工作失職而被給予黨內(nèi)警告C.因流氓行為被公安機關處以罰款D.因工作不稱職而被強制辭退13.保險,是指投保人根據(jù)合同約定,向保險人支付保險費,保險人對于合同約定的可能發(fā)生的事故因其發(fā)生所造成的財產(chǎn)損失承擔賠償保險金責任,或者當被保險人死亡、傷殘、疾病或者達到合同約定的年齡、期限時承擔給付保險金責任的商業(yè)保險行為。下列不屬于保險的一項是:A.某食品廠與保險公司簽訂了企業(yè)財產(chǎn)保險合同,食品廠按日交納保險費,保險公司負責該廠的火災保險B.李先生與保險公司投保自家的房屋C.村長向村民們保證;使用村委會提供的麥種一定會豐收,否則大家可以罷免他,并要求他賠償損失D.學生在學校統(tǒng)一購買傷病保險14.不正當競爭是指經(jīng)營者違反《反不正當競爭法》的規(guī)定,損害其他經(jīng)營者的合法權益,擾亂社會經(jīng)濟秩序的行為。所謂經(jīng)營者是指從事商品經(jīng)營或營利性服務的法人、其他經(jīng)濟組織和個人。下列不屬于構成不正當競爭行為的要素是:A.違反《反不正當競爭法》的規(guī)定B.在經(jīng)營中嚇唬顧客C.損害其他經(jīng)營者的合法權益D.擾亂社會經(jīng)濟秩序15.挑撥防衛(wèi),是指故意挑逗他人對自己進行攻擊,然后以 正當防衛(wèi) 為借口對其加以侵害的行為。下列屬于挑撥防衛(wèi)的是:A.某甲與某乙妻子通奸,被乙痛打,遂產(chǎn)生殺人報復之念。甲先到乙門口把乙妻叫出來,乙追出來便打,甲用匕首將其捅死B.玉、趙二人爭吵不休,王說: 你再罵,我就打你! 趙不甘示弱; 你打我試試。 二人是打了起來C.兄弟三人爭奪一個家傳古硯,老大一氣之下將其摔碎,老二老三一起歐打老大,老大奮起反抗D.一無業(yè)人員搶奪別人皮包時被抓住,遭到歐打,于是拼命還手,造成對方傷亡,16.行政復議是指公民、法人或其他組織對行政機關的具體行政行為不服,依法向作出具體行政行為的行政機關的上級機關或法律規(guī)定的行政機關提出申訴,由其決定是否合法,適當重新審議并做出裁決的行政程序制度。則下列屬于行政復議的是:A.一群農(nóng)民因不滿鄉(xiāng)政府強制占用其耕地,集體上訪,要求縣政府為其作主B.菜行政槐關工怍人員因與上司關系不和,被無故停職遂向法院上告以討還公正C.被告人因不滿一審法院的裁決,因而提請上評,要求高級法院重審D.消費者向消費者協(xié)會投訴某食品廠生產(chǎn)劣質(zhì)食品,損害消費者權益17.政治決策就是政府和政黨等政治管理主體對政治生活的重大問題制定和選擇行動方案的過程,它是對政治生活的方向、目標、原則、方法和步驟進行抉擇的過程。下列不屬于政治決策的特征的一項是:A.政治性,主要涉及政治生活B.指導性,它是關于政治管理的藍圖設計,決定著政治管理的整個實施過程C.條款性,必定以很多條款來規(guī)定D. 權威性,它的行為主體政府給它帶來了權威性,18.政策分析是依據(jù)一定的政策理論、知識,運用各種分析方法和技術,幫助決策者制定和優(yōu)化具體政策的過程。下列敘述有誤的一項是:A.政策分析必須以一定的政策理論為基礎B,政策分析要運用一定的方法和技術c.政策分析就是要把握領導的意圖D. 政策分析的目標是幫助決策者制定和優(yōu)化具體政策19.傾銷,指壟斷資本家為了擊敗競爭對手,奪取國外市場,在一定時期內(nèi)以遠遠低于國內(nèi)外市場的價格,甚至低于生產(chǎn)成本的價格拋售商品的一種行為。下列行為屬于傾銷的是:A. 中國某絲綢出口公司為打開銷路,在歐洲五國開展 買一送一 優(yōu)惠活動B. 江蘇的洗衣粉價格普遍比浙江便宜C.日本照相器材企業(yè)為擠跨中國的民族產(chǎn)業(yè),將其膠售低于成本五元出售給中國消費者D.美國出口到中國的小麥,由于路途被水淋壞,以原價的七價出售,20.行政實施是指從行政決策一經(jīng)形成或最后批準時起,行政機關及其工作人員貫徹決策、實施決策的全部活動或整個過程下列不屬于行政實施的一項是:A.行政部門為推行一項決策,檢查行政決策是否與有關法律法規(guī)相抵觸B.行政部門執(zhí)行政策時遇上國慶,放假休息c.行政部門準備執(zhí)行救災措施所需要的經(jīng)費和物資裝備D.為推動群眾愛衛(wèi)護城自覺行動,縣政府召開動員大會,發(fā)布動員令,參考答案1.D 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B6.C 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.A11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.C16.C 17.D 18.C 19.C 20.A
發(fā)布時間:2017-12-17 20:30:49第一節(jié) 文學活動及其理解一、 世界(即文學活動所反映的社會性質(zhì))文學是一種實踐活動,文學活動的本質(zhì)在于對自然世界的模仿和反映。(1)、古希臘的模仿說:對某事物的論述和對自然的真實反映,具有審美意義,按照A對照去做B。a.柏拉圖認為現(xiàn)實世界是文藝的藍本,文藝是模仿現(xiàn)實世界。b.它是現(xiàn)實世界、藝術世界的本源,因此藝術是 摹本的摹本 、 鏡子的鏡子 。c.亞里斯多德認為一切藝術實際上是模仿。區(qū)別:藝術模仿的不是柏拉圖所說的只是世界的外形(現(xiàn)象),而是現(xiàn)實世界的普遍性和必然性。歷史敘述已經(jīng)發(fā)生的事情(客觀真實、個別具體),詩歌描寫可能發(fā)生的事情(未必真實、虛構),因此詩歌比歷史顯示出更多的普遍性和必然性。(2)、文藝復興時期的鏡子說:認為藝術應該向鏡子一樣,忠實的復現(xiàn)現(xiàn)實世界。(3)、十九世紀的再現(xiàn)說:a.側重強調(diào)文學藝術的客觀性和真實性原則,把文藝視為現(xiàn)實客觀的真實再現(xiàn)。b.車爾尼雪夫斯基:藝術作品在任何時候都不及現(xiàn)實的美或偉大。(《西方文論選 下》 第411頁)二、作者文藝作品是經(jīng)文藝作家的頭腦創(chuàng)作而來的,因此文藝與文藝家的思想、感情、理想、愿望乃至秉賦個性密不可分。表現(xiàn)論是從作者出發(fā)來認定文學藝術的本質(zhì),把文學歸納為主管內(nèi)在的表現(xiàn)。在文學四要素中,表現(xiàn)論注重作家與作品的關系。(一)、中國的言志表情說1、《詩大序》: 詩者,在心為志,發(fā)言為詩,情動于衷。 認為唐宋至清末,詩歌幾乎圍繞抒情言志展開。2、特點:①文學所表現(xiàn)的情感是由外物觸發(fā)的。劉勰: 人稟七情,應物斯感。 ②不主張藝術是情感的直接表現(xiàn),強調(diào)通過比興寄托情感,使之形象化、客觀化,寓情于景,借景抒情。(二)、西方的表現(xiàn)主義理論表現(xiàn)在語意上指通過行為或事物呈現(xiàn),心理上指內(nèi)心、情緒通過動作或表情呈現(xiàn)。文藝涉及藝術家在內(nèi)在精狀如何通過藝術傳達。如 在心為志,發(fā)言為詩,情動于衷而發(fā)于言。1、情感表現(xiàn)說:文學的較高價值是表現(xiàn)個人獨特的情感(源于浪漫主義)2、本能表現(xiàn)說:二十世紀西方現(xiàn)代美學崇尚直覺、本能和無意識,形成非理性主義的文學思潮。①柏拉圖:靈感迷茫說;②柏格森:世界本質(zhì)是向上創(chuàng)造生命沖動, 意識綿延 ,文學藝術是一種直覺,可以綿延;③弗洛伊德:精神分析說,認為本能欲望是生命最強大的原動力。文學藝術就是本能欲望轉移和升華,是人在現(xiàn)實世界中沒有得到滿足,而通過想象得到代替性的宣泄和補償,是一種 白日夢 。3、生命表現(xiàn)說:廚川白村(日):生命是人類的根本,在市計生活中生命力受到種種制約、壓抑、 不能自由釋放。文藝是生命力用絕對的自由而表現(xiàn)的唯一機會 。 郭沫若,二十年代針對達芬奇說藝術家應當作自然的老子,提出生命是文學的本質(zhì),文學是生命的反映。生命哲學文藝觀(《郭沫若論創(chuàng)作》 上海文藝出版社 1987年)三、作品(自足性)1、作品自產(chǎn)生便具有客觀獨立性,成為 第二自然 。形式論就是側重作品的角度來研究文學。2、形式論著眼于文學本身,強調(diào)作品獨立性,把作品看作既不依賴外部環(huán)境,又不依賴創(chuàng)作主題的獨立自主地本體。3、作品就是作品本身,僅是一種特殊的語言結構。(一)、形式論歷史淵源a.古希臘,形式乃是藝術品的核心與本質(zhì)。b.畢達哥拉斯主張萬物本源不是物質(zhì)而是數(shù),同樣的優(yōu)秀文藝作品也遵循數(shù)的原則。c.康德:美是主觀的,不加雜任何利害關系,不依賴概念。作品的形式才是真實和純粹的每的判斷對象,它與再現(xiàn)性內(nèi)容無關。各種形式主義與純藝術都直接法院于此。(二)、十九世紀下半葉的唯美主義a.十九世紀八十年代,歐洲主張 為藝術而藝術 ,追求純粹的美(強調(diào)藝術不應涉及政治,須超越現(xiàn)實生活)。b.認為藝術是自足的,藝術的目的反是形成完美的存在,僅是美,是人類產(chǎn)品中具有最高內(nèi)在價值的東西。(三)、二十世紀的形式主義理論a.提倡純文學,情調(diào)藝術的獨立性,英美認為文學不是模仿,不是反映而是創(chuàng)造。拒絕表現(xiàn)論。b.把文學當作語言的一種特殊類型,文學語言和普遍語言是對立的c.普通語言的主要功能與語言外的世界聯(lián)系,文學語言是以自我為中心,其作用是引人注意它的形式特征。d.雅各布森: 詩歌不是別的東西,而是具有固定表達形式的語言,它對被表達的客體漠不關心附:語言的 陌生化陌生化,即文學通過破壞普通語言交流的方式,使每日耳聞目見的事情變得新奇、陌生、使讀者失去的接受新鮮事物的能力得以恢復。(以語法規(guī)則的偏見,隱喻、象征、疊加意象等手法造成變異的語言)。藝術張力形式作用于視覺時產(chǎn)生的心理力。這種力類似于物理張力的特征成為張力。形式因素是否有張力,其力度如何并不只是取決于其自身的物理性質(zhì)和強度,主要由主體心理上的尺度把握的。與常態(tài)有距離的或超過心理度的刺激就會產(chǎn)生視覺沖擊,拉開的距離越大,張力感越強。藝術形式中也需要有這樣一種勢能,一種能量源泉,一種雙向的引而未發(fā)的力,它一旦與人的心靈相對應,就會迸發(fā)強大的張力火花(馮驥才《高女人和矮丈夫》),使讀者產(chǎn)生強烈的心理震撼和穿透感官的藝術張力,使小說審美價值增值。工具論的觀點:實用論關注作品與讀者的關系,認為文學是一種工具和手段,強調(diào)作品思想性對讀者的教化作用。(一)、中國的 文以載道 說 仁愛 、 道是萬事萬物的本原中國傳統(tǒng)觀念認為,文學之本不是娛樂、審美,而是具有工具和教化作用??鬃樱?詩三百一言以蔽之,曰,思無邪。 漢代《毛詩序》有: 經(jīng)夫婦,成孝禮,厚人倫,美教化,樹風格 的文學說?,F(xiàn)代發(fā)展為文學為政治服務,文藝 主旋律 說。(二)、西方的 寓教于樂 說1、賀拉斯 寓教于樂 說 詩歌,既勸諭讀者,又使人喜愛,才能符合眾望 (賀拉斯《詩學》),在教與樂兩者中,賀拉斯把教作為目的、根本,把樂作為手段、工具,開西方實用論的先河。2、席勒 對人類進行審美的藝術的教育者提升人性,凈化靈魂,改造完善社會的基本途徑和手法 (《審美書簡》),這里,美是手段,德是目的,詩歌是教化工具,完善人性是根本目的。(三)、功用論的觀點評說1、抓住文學作品作為人類一種實踐活動的目的既能滿足人類需要,有益于人類生存和發(fā)展的功利需要 善。2、美包含著善,文藝作品有其積極意義3、文學的基本品格是審美的和非功利的。功用論恰好把本質(zhì)文學之外的東西當作文學來談論,把非文學、非審美的東西當作文學的本質(zhì),而把屬文學本性的所在的審美東西當作附屬,作為道德、政治的工具和手段。四、讀者1、是文學活動的又一基本要素。2、文學活動不只是作者的創(chuàng)作活動,也包括讀者的閱讀鑒賞活動3、讀者在文論中的地位,受到忠實是在二十世紀六十年代興起的接受美學之后。4、二十世紀六十年代以后在德國出現(xiàn)接受美學和讀者反應批評理論,它將文學接受活動當成文學研究的焦點,其代表人物是姚斯等(讀者中心論)5、姚斯將文學看成 讀者的文學史 ,將讀者提升到文學研究的中心位置。①文學的目的是讀者, 文學作品從根本上講,是注定為接受者而創(chuàng)作的,離開讀者,就沒有文字,即作品產(chǎn)生于讀者與文本相遇和交流過程中,文學作品是作者和讀者共同創(chuàng)造的,文學作品的意義乃是由各個時代讀者所賦予的,不同時代讀者可以從同一個文本中讀出不同的意義。 一千個讀者有一千個哈姆雷特。 ②讀者作為文學接受的主體,不僅是與作者生活于同一世界,同一環(huán)境主體,同時也是使文本最終實現(xiàn)其價值的主體。只有經(jīng)過讀者閱讀、接受,作者創(chuàng)作的作品才能實現(xiàn)其價值。③讀者的接受并非消極的、被動的,而是積極的再創(chuàng)造活動,從更高的歷史學層面上看,作品藝術的價值大小,藝術的再生產(chǎn),從某種意義上講取決于讀者的感受。
(一)古希臘文學(1)宙斯〈羅馬神話稱為朱庇特〉,希臘神話中最高的天神,掌管雷電云雨,是人和神的主宰。(2)阿波羅,希臘神話中宙斯的兒子,主管光明、青春、音樂、詩歌等,常以手持弓箭的少年形象出現(xiàn)。(3)雅典娜,希臘神話中的智慧女神,雅典城邦的保護神。(4)潘多拉,希臘神話中的第一個女人,貌美性詐。私自打開了宙斯送她的一只盒子,里面裝的疾病、瘋狂、罪惡、嫉妒等禍患,一齊飛出,只有希望留在盒底,人間因此充滿災難。 潘多拉的盒子 成為 禍災的來源 的同義語。(5)普羅米修斯,希臘神話中造福人間的神。盜取天火帶到人間,并傳授給人類多種手藝,觸怒宙 斯,被鎖在高加索山崖,受神鷹琢食,是一個反抗強暴、不惜為人類犧牲一切的英雄。(6)斯芬克司,希臘神話中的獅身女怪。常叫過路行人猜謎,猜不出即將行人殺害;后因謎底被俄浦斯道破,即自殺。后常喻 謎 一樣的人物。與埃及獅身人面像同名。(7)荷馬,古希臘盲詩人。主要作品有《伊利亞特》和《奧德賽》,被稱為荷馬史詩?!兑晾麃喬亍窋⑹?十年特洛伊戰(zhàn)爭?!秺W德賽》寫特洛伊戰(zhàn)爭結束后,希臘英雄奧德賽歷險回鄉(xiāng)的故事。馬克思稱贊它 顯 示出永久的魅力 。(二)英國文學(1)莎士比亞,文藝復興時期偉大的劇作家和詩人。主要作品有劇本37部,悲劇有《哈姆雷特》《奧賽羅》《麥克白》《李爾王》《羅密歐與朱麗葉》等,喜劇有《威尼斯商人》《第十二夜》《皆大歡喜》等,歷史劇 有《理查二世》《亨利四世》等。馬克思稱之為 人類最偉大的戲劇天才 。(2)笛福,著名小說家。主要作品有《魯濱遜漂流記》,描寫的是資產(chǎn)階級上升時期的英雄。(3)拜倫,偉大詩人。代表作詩體小說《唐璜》通過青年貴族唐璜的種種經(jīng)歷,抨擊了歐洲反動的封 建勢力。(4)雪萊,積極浪漫主義詩人。主要作品有詩劇《解放了的普羅米修斯》,抒情詩《西風頌》《云雀頌》《自由頌》等。詩劇表達了反抗專制統(tǒng)治的斗爭必將勝利的信念。他是浪漫主義詩人最優(yōu)秀的代表之 一。歐洲文學史上最早歌頌空想社會主義的詩人之一。(5)狄更斯,作家。主要作品有長篇小說《大衛(wèi)^科波菲爾》《艱難時世》《雙城記》?!峨p城記》揭露資 產(chǎn)階級的貪婪、偽善和司法、行政機構的腐敗,是英國批判現(xiàn)實主義文學的重要代表。(6)柯南道爾,作家。主要作品有偵探小說《福爾摩斯探案集》,是世界上最著名的偵探小說。(7)肖伯納,戲劇家。主要作品有《華倫夫人的職業(yè)》《鰥夫的房產(chǎn)》《巴巴拉少?!贰短O果車》等,揭露 了資本主義社會的偽善和罪惡,同情工人階級。(三)法國文學(1)莫里哀,偉大的喜劇家,是世界喜劇作家中成就最高者之一。主要作品有《偽君子》、《慳吝人》(又稱《吝嗇鬼》)等共37部喜劇。鞭撻了封建制度和丑惡勢力,是世界喜劇中最出色的作品。(2)雨果,偉大作家,歐洲19世紀浪漫主義文學最卓越的代表。主要作品有長篇小說《巴黎圣母院》《悲慘世界》《笑面人》《九三年》等?!侗瘧K世界》寫的是失業(yè)短工冉阿讓因偷吃一片面包被抓進監(jiān)獄,后 改名換姓,當上企業(yè)主和市長,但終不能擺脫迫害的故事。(3)司湯達,批判現(xiàn)實主義作家。代表作《紅與黑》,寫的是不滿封建制度的平民青年于連,千方百計 向上爬,最終被送上斷頭臺的故事。 紅 是將軍服色,指 人軍界 的道路; 黑 是主教服色,指當神父、主教的道路。(4)巴爾扎克,19世紀上半葉法國和歐洲批判現(xiàn)實主義文學的杰出代表。主要作品有《人間喜劇》,包括《高老頭》《歐也妮^葛朗臺》《貝姨》《邦斯舅舅》等?!度碎g喜劇》是世界文學中規(guī)模最宏偉的創(chuàng)作之 一,也是人類思維勞動最輝煌的成果之一。馬克思稱其 提供了一部法國社會特別是巴黎上流社會的卓 越的現(xiàn)實主義歷史 。(5)都德,著名作家。主要作品有長篇小說代表作《小東西》等,短篇小說有《最后一課》《柏林之圍》等。與福樓拜、左拉、龔古爾、屠格涅夫組成文學社團 五人聚餐會 。(6)莫泊桑,被稱為 短篇小說巨匠 。主要作品有長篇小說《一生》《俊友》,短篇小說《羊脂球》《我的 叔叔于勒》《項鏈》。(7)歐仁 鮑狄埃,工人詩人。主要作品有《國際歌》(工人作曲家比爾 狄蓋特譜曲),列寧說他是 一位最偉大的用歌作為工具的宣傳家 。(8)羅曼 羅蘭,作家,諾貝爾文學獎獲得者。主要作品長篇小說《約翰,克利斯朵夫》描寫的是一 個以個人奮斗來反抗社會的藝術家的悲劇人物(以貝多芬為原型)(四)德國、俄國(蘇聯(lián))文學(1)歌德,德國文學最高成就的代表者。主要作品有信體小說《少年維特之煩惱》,詩劇《浮士德》。(2)席勒,詩人,劇作家。主要作品有《陰謀與愛情》(劇本)《歡樂頌》(詩)。(3)海涅,詩人,政論家。主要作品有《西里西亞的紡織工人》《德國,一個冬天的童話》。(4)普希金,偉大詩人。主要作品有抒情詩《自由頌》,敘事詩《青銅騎士》,長篇詩體小說《葉甫蓋尼 奧涅金》,童話詩《漁夫和金魚的故事》等。對19世紀俄國文學的發(fā)展起了開創(chuàng)和奠基的作用,是俄羅 斯文學語言的典范,享有世界聲譽。(5)果戈理,19世紀俄國最優(yōu)秀的諷刺作家,批判現(xiàn)實主義文學的奠基人。主要作品有諷刺喜劇 《欽差大臣》,長篇小說《死魂靈》。(6)屠格涅夫,主要作品有長篇小說《羅亭》《夂與子》《貴族之家》,散文故事集《獵人筆記》,中篇小說 《木木》。《獵人筆記》描寫農(nóng)奴的悲慘生活,抨擊農(nóng)奴制度,被譽為 一部點燃火種的書 。(7)列夫,托爾斯泰,杰出的現(xiàn)實主義作家。主要作品有長篇小說《戰(zhàn)爭與和平》《安娜,卡列尼娜》 《復活》等。列寧稱列夫 托爾斯泰為 俄國革命的一面鏡子 。(8)契訶夫,作家。主要作品有短篇小說《小之死》《變色龍》《套中人》,中篇小說《第六病室》, 劇本《海鷗》《萬尼亞舅舅》《三姊妹》。他是俄羅斯唯一以短篇小說創(chuàng)作登上世界文壇高峰的作家。(9)高爾基,無產(chǎn)階級偉大作家。主要作品有自傳體三部曲《童年》《在人間》《我的大學》,長篇小說 《母親》,散文詩《海燕》等。列寧稱之為 無產(chǎn)階級藝術的最杰出代表 ,稱《母親》是一部 非常及時的 書 。(10)奧斯特洛夫斯基,主要作品有《鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的》。(五)其他國家文學(1)但丁,意大利人,偉大詩人,文藝復興的先驅(qū)。恩格斯稱他是 中世紀的最后一位詩人,同時又是 新時代的最初一位詩人 。主要作品有敘事長詩《神曲》,由地獄、煉獄、天堂三部分組成?!渡袂芬曰孟?形式,寫但丁迷路,被人導引神游三界。在地獄中見到貪官污吏等受著懲罰,在凈界中見到貪色貪財?shù)?較輕罪人,在天堂里見到殉道者等高貴的靈魂。(2)薄伽丘,意大利人,文藝復興時期的重要作家,人文主義的重要代表。主要作品有短篇小說集 《十日談》。(3)塞萬提斯,西班牙人。主要作品《堂吉訶德》,描寫堂吉訶德和侍從桑喬,潘薩的冒險經(jīng)歷,揭露 封建勢力的丑惡,諷刺騎士制度和騎士文學,是歐洲最早的優(yōu)秀現(xiàn)實主義長篇小說。(4)安徒生,丹麥童話作家。主要作品有《丑小鴨》《皇帝的新裝》《賣火柴的小女孩》等。(5)密茨凱維支,波蘭杰出詩人,被譽為 飛禽之王 鷹 。主要作品《青春頌》,被譽為波蘭青年的 馬賽曲 。(6)裴多菲,匈牙利人,19世紀最優(yōu)秀的積極浪漫主義詩人。主要作品有《民族之歌》《反對國王》等。(7)卜生,挪威戲劇家。 問題劇 的代表作家。主要作品有《玩偶之家》《國民公敵》等20多個劇本。(8)惠特曼,美國偉大詩人,主要作品有詩集《草葉集》。打破傳統(tǒng)詩的格律,首創(chuàng)自由體新詩。(9)馬克,吐溫,美國作家。主要作品有長篇諷刺小說《鍍金時代》,兒童文學《湯姆,索亞歷險記》, 短篇小說《競選州長》《百萬英鎊》等。他的作品對資本主義的現(xiàn)實認識不斷深化,由輕松的幽默轉向了 辛辣的諷刺。(10)歐 亨利,美國短篇小說家。主要作品有《麥琪的禮物》《警察與贊美詩》《最后一片藤葉》等,約 300篇,被譽為 美國生活幽默的百科全書 。(11)海明威,美國作家,諾貝爾文學獎獲得者。代表作中篇小說《老人與?!?,描寫一個老漁夫與鯊 魚搏斗的故事,表現(xiàn) 人的能耐可以達到什么程度,描寫人的靈魂的尊嚴 。(12)小林多喜二,日本作家,日本無產(chǎn)階級文學的奠基者。代表作中篇小說《蟹工船》,描寫漁工悲 慘的生活和覺醒、斗爭。(13)泰戈爾,印度詩人,小說家,劇作家,是亞洲第一位諾貝爾文學獎獲得者。詩集有《飛鳥集》《新 月集》,長篇小說《沉船》等。他的《人民的意志》一詩被定為印度國歌。
解放軍文職招聘考試 英語文學知識-解放軍文職人員招聘-軍隊文職考試-紅師教育
發(fā)布時間:2017-05-21 16:16:34英語文學知識第一章英國文學第一階段 中古英國文學(8世紀~14世紀)Old and Medieval English Literature*Geoffrey Chaucer(杰弗里.喬叟)(1340~1400)He is considered the father of modern English poetry because he opened a brilliant page in English literature and had a profound influence on many important English poets. It is him alone who, for the first in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life.II 真題詳解1.The Canterbury Tales, a collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury, is an important poetic work by __B____.(2005)A. William Langland B. Geoffrey ChaucerC. William Shakespeare D. Alfred TennysonIII 練習題1.Which of the following does not belong to the works of Geoffrey Chaucer ?BA. The Canterbury Tales B. The Vision of Piers PlowmanC .Troilus and Criseyde D. The Romaunt of the Rose2.___D____brings the readers into a world that belongs to the Celtic legend of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table.A. The Vision of Piers Plowman B. The house of FameC. The Romaunt of the Rose D. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight3. Which of the following is the translation work of Geoffrey Chaucer? __C___A. The Canterbury Tales B. Troilus and CriseydeC. The Romaunt of the Rose D. The house of Fame4.In the 14th century , the most important writer in England is ___D___.A. Langland B. Wyclif C. Gower D. Chaucer5.In Anglo-Saxon period, Beowulf represented the ___A___ poetry .A .pagan B. religious C .romantic D .sentimental6.When we speak of the old English prose, we might think of __D____, who is the first scholar in English literature and has been regarded as father of English learning.A. William Shakespeare B. BeowulfC. Julius Caesar D. Venerable Bede7.__A_____is not only a prose writer but also a king of Wessex .A. Alfred the Great B. Venerable BedeC. Adam Bede D. King Arthur8.___A____is the culmination of the Arthurian romance.A .Sir Gawain and the Green KnightB. The Story of BeowulfC. The Vision of Piers PlowmanD. The Canterbury Tales9. William Langland s __B_____ is written in the form of a dream vision.A .Kublai Khan B. The Vision of Piers PlowmanC. The Dream of John Bull D. Morte d Arthur10.The prevailing form of Medieval English literature is the _C____.A .French B. Latin C. Romance D. Science11.In which century was Geoffrey Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales written? AA. Fourteenth B. Fifteenth C. Sixteenth D .Seventeenth12.William Langland wrote for __D____.A. the royal family B. the court C .the monks D .the common people13. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight focuses on ___C___.A. immediate social issuesB. the real life as well as people s feelings and desiresC .a remote world belongs to the Celtic Legend of King Arthur and his knightsD .the imagination of the future world14. King Alfred s Anglo Saxon Chronicle was written in ___C___ form .A. poetic B. dramatic C. prose D. none of the above第二階段 文藝復興時期(14世紀~17世紀中期)The Renaissance PeriodThe word Renaissance means rebirth . It meant the reintroduction into Western Europe of the full cultural heritage of Greece and Rome. The essence of the Renaissance is Humanism. Attitudes and feelings which had been characteristics of the 14th and 15th centuries persisted well down into the era of Humanism and Reformation. And the real main stream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama.*William Shakespeare (威廉.莎士比亞)(1564~1616)He is the greatest of all Elizabethan dramatists. His sonnets represent the finest poetic craftsmanship of Elizabethan poetry. And many of his plays enjoy international popularity.A Midsummer Night s Dream《仲夏夜之夢》All is Well that Ends Well《終成眷屬》As you like it 《皆大歡喜》Hamlet《哈姆雷特》(四大悲劇之一)King Lear《李爾王》(四大悲劇之一)Macbeth《麥克白》(四大悲劇之一)Othello《奧賽羅》(四大悲劇之一)Much Ado About Nothing 《無事生非》Romeo and Juliet 《羅密歐與茱麗葉》The Comedy of Errors《錯誤的喜劇》The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》The Taming of the Shrew 《馴悍記》Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》*Francis Bacon(弗朗西斯.培根)(1561~1626)He is best known for his essays which greatly influenced the development of the literary form. He lays the foundation for modern science with his insistence on scientific way of thinking and fresh observation rather than authority as a basis for obtaining knowledge.II 真題詳解1.___B___is defined as an expression of human emotion which is condensed into fourteen lines.(2006)A .Free Verse B. Sonnet C .Ode D .EpigramIII 練習題1.The publication of Philip Sidney s ___B___ made sonnet sequence a popular literary form in England.A.Arcadia B. Astrophel and Stella C .Defense of Poetry D. Utopia2.The nine-line verse stanza was originated from __A____.A.Edmund Spenser B.Philip Sidney C. Thomas MoreD. William Shakespeare3.Here is the sentence from an essay, Read not to contradict and confuse, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider . The essay must be __A___.A.Of Studies by Francis BaconB.The Advancement of Learning by Francis BaconC.Novum Organum by Francis BaconD.Essays by Francis Bacon4.The literary form of The Faerie Queen is _D____ .A.lyric poem B. ironic poem C.narrative poemD.allegorical poem5.In Shakespeare s Merchant of Venice, Antonio could not pay back the money he borrowed form Shylock, because_D____.A.his money was all invested in the newly-emerging textile industryB.his enterprise went bankruptC. Bassanio was able to pay his own debtD. his ships had all been lost6.Which of the following is not among Shakespeare s four great tragedies?BA.Hamlet B.Romeo and Juliet C.Macbeth D.King Lear7._A____is the first important English essaylist and the founder of modern science in England.A.Francis Bacon B.Edmund Spenser C.William Carxton D.Sidney8.What flourished in Elizabethan age more than any other form of literature?BA.Novel B.Drama C. Essay D.Poetry9.___D___exposes the corruption of vicious ambition.A.Othello B.King Lear C.Hamlet D.Macbeth10.Sir Thomas More wrote Utopia in__C____in 1516.A.French B.English C.Latin D.Italian11.William Shakespeare is one of the giants of__D____.A.Romanticism B.critical realism C.Aestheticism D.the Renaissance12.How many lines does a sonnet have?CA.10 B.12 C.14 D.They vary13.Which of the following plays written by Shakespeare is history play?CA.Juliet Caesar B. The Merry Wives of WindsorC.Henry IV D.King Lear14.Which is Christopher Marlowe s first famous play?AA.Tamburlaine B.Edward II C.The tragical History of Doctor Faustus D. The Jew of Malta15.Which of the following is NOT the work of Sir Philip Sideny?DA.Astrophel and Stella B.Denfense of PoetryC.Arcadia D.Samson Agonists16.Spenserian stanza is a_C_____.A.14 Line stanza B.8 line stanzaC.9 line stanza D.12 line stanza17.Which of the following is NOT the feature of Metaphysical poems?CA.They use conceits to express ideas in sharp and harsh manner.B.They reject the romantic exaggeration of Elizabethan love poetry.C.Their metaphors are commonly used in daily life.D.The form of them is often an argument with the poet s lover,God or himself.18. To be, or not to be has become a universal question puzzling every intellectual mind. This is a quotation from__B__.A.King Lear B.Hamlet C.Romeo and Juliet D.Othello19.The first official version of Bible known as the Great Bible,was revised in___B___.A.16th century B.17th century C.18th century D.19th century20.In reading Shakespeare , you must have come across the phrase The pound of flesh by_C____.A.lago in Othello B.Lear in King Lear C.Shylock in The Merchant of Venice D.Hamlet in Hamlet21.Most of the ballads of the 15 th century focused on the legend about___C___as a heroic figure.A.Green Nights B.Gawain C.Robin Hood D.Hamlet22.In the 16 th century, Thomas More s work___D___ became immediately popular after its publication.A. Paradise Lost B.A Pleasant Satire of the Throe EstatesC. The Faerie Queen D.Utopia23.___C____is from Shakespeare s sonnet No.18.A. Let me not to the marriage of true mindsB. To be or not to be:that is the questionC. Shall I compare thee to a summer s dayD. No longer mourn for me when I am dead24.Which of the following does not belong to Shakespeare s romantic love comedies?BA.Twelfth Night B.The Tempest C.As you like it D.The Merchant of Venice25. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man, and writing an exact man is from__C_____ s essay Of Stuies.A.Alexander Pope B.John MiltonC.Francis Bacon D.Charles Lamb26.Francis Bacon s Essays first published in 1597 has been considered as an important landmark in the development of English___D___,and as the first collection of essays in the English language.A.poetry B.epics C.fiction D.prose27.The Flea was written by_A____.A.John Donne B.Philip Sidney C.Thomas More D.William Shakspeare第三階段 新古典主義時期(17世紀中期~18世紀)The Neoclassical PeriodI 概述Enlightenment Movement was a progressive intellectual movement, which flourished in France and swept through the whole Western Europe. The movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance from the 14th century to the mid 17 th century.The purpose of the movement was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas.It celebrated reason of nationality, equality and science. It advocated universal education. Literature at the time became a very popular means of public education. With the introduction of the Enlightenment Movement into England, a revival of interest in the old classical works was in full swing. This tendency is known as the neoclassicism. The neoclassicists held that all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Creek and Roman writers. They believed that the artistic ideals should be order, logic, restrained emotion and accuracy, and that literature should be judged in terms of the thematic concern.*Alexander Pope (亞歷山大.蒲柏)(1688~1744)Alexander Pope strongly advocated neoclassicism, emphasizing that literary works should be judged by classical rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum. He first introduced rationalism to England and is one of the greatest poets in his century as well as in the English literature world.II 真題詳解1.In Literture a story in verse or prose with a double meaning is defined as____A__.(2010)A.allegory B.sonnet C.blank verse D.rhymeIII 練習題1.By making the truth-seeking pilgrims suffer at the hands of the people of Vanity Fair, John Bunya intends to show the prevalent political and religious_D______.A.persecution B.improvement C.prosperity D.disillusionment2.An honest, kind-hearted young man, who is full of animal spirit and lacks prudence, is expelled from the paradise and has to go through hard experience to gain knowledge of himself and finally to have been accepted both by a virtuous lady and a rich relative. The above sentence may well sum up the theme of Fielding s work__B____.A.Jonathan Wild the Great B.Tom JonesC.The Coffee-House Politician D.Amelia3.Whichof following works was not written by Jonathan Swift?DA.A Modest Proposal B.Gulliver s TravelsC.A Tale of a Tub D.The Rivals4_B_____was the greatest dramatist during the Neoclassical Period in England.A.Goldsmith B.Sheridan C.Stern D.Fielding5.__C____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language.A.Genesis B.Exodus C.The Pilgrim s ProgressD.The Holy War6.__D___is one of Swift s masterpiece. It is a satire on corruption in religion and learning.A. The Way of the World B.Love for LoveC.The Beggar s Opera D.A Tale of a Tub7.Many lines from Alexander Pope s poem An Essay on Criticism have become proverbial maxims,such as: To err is human;to forgive, divine. __A____learning is a dangerous thing.A. A little B.Little C.No D. Few8. Which of the following does not belong to pioneering efforts in the creation of the English novel?DA. John Lily s Euphues B.Sir Philip Sidney s ArcadiaC.Thomas Lodge s Rosalnde D.Samuel Richardson s Pamela9.The novel Gulliver s Travels was written by_B____.A.Tobias Smollett B.Jonathan SwiftC.Laurence Sterne D.John Bunyan10.Whose work signaled the beginning of the age of Restoration Drama?BA.William Wycherley B.John DrydenC.William Congreve D.John Gay11.Which of the following books was Samuel Johnson s monumental success?AA. A Dictionary of the English LanguageB.Oliver TwistC.The Old Curiosity ShopD.Barnaby Rudge12. Who is best remembered as the recipient of Johnson s famous letter?BA.Dickens B.Lord Chesterfield C.Thomas Hardy D.Joseph Addison13._D____ s The Pilgrim s Progress was writtenin the form of allegory and dream.AJohn Dryden B.Francis Bacon C.John Milton D.John Bunyan14.John Dryden was all of the following EXCEPT___D____in the literary world of Restoration England .A.a poet B.a dramatist C.a literary critic D.a short story writer15.An Essay on Criticism was written by__D____, which first established his reputation as a_______.A.Francis Bacon,critic B.Francis Bacon,essayistC.Alexander Pope,playwright D.Alexander Pope,poet16.Daniel Defoe was famous for his novel__B____which is often considered to be the first novel in English literature.A.Gulliver s TravelsB.The Adventures of Robinson CrusoeC.The Pilgrim s ProgressD.Oliver Twist17.A Dictionary of the English Language(1755) by___B__was the first comprehensive lexicographical work on English ever undertaken.A.Francis Bacon B.Samuel JohnsonC.Alexander Pope D.John Milton18. Yahoos from the novel___A___written by Jonathan Swift are described to be very much similar to human beings in outward appearance and their unworthy actions as well.A.Gulliver s Travels B.The Adventures of Robinson CrusoeC.The Wuthering Heights D. Sons and Lovers19.___C___ s masterpiece Tom Jones provides a vivid and truthful panoramic view of the life of the English society in the 18 th century.A.Daniel Defoe B.Jonathan SwiftC.Henry Fielding D.Jane Austin20.The greatest English playwright of the 18 th century was__D___.A.Walt Scott B.Bernard Shaw C.Thomas GrayD.Richard Sheridan第四階段 浪漫主義時期(18世紀末期~19世紀中期)The Romantic PeriodI 概述In the late 18 th century, a new literary movement called Romanticism came to European mainland and then to England. It was characterized by a strong protest against the bondage of neoclassicism, which emphasized reason, order and elegant wit. Instead, romanticism gave primary concern to passion, emotion, and natural beauty.In the history of literature, Romanticism is generally regarded as the thought that designates a literary and philosophical theory which tends to see the individual as the very center of all life and all experience. The Romantic period is an age of poetry.Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats are the major poets. They started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic revolution . It prevailed in England from 1798to 1837.II 真題詳解1.The novel Emma is written by__D____.(2005)A.Mary Shelly B.Charlotte Bronte C.Elizabeth C.Gaskell D.Jane Austen2.Ode to the West Wind was written by___D__.(2009)A.William Blake B.William ShakespeareC.Samuel Taylor Coleridge D.Percy B.ShelleyIII 練習題1. Poetry is Spontaneous was put forward by__C____.A.Robert Burns B. William Blake C.William WordsworthD.Charles Lamb2.Wordsworth is a___C____.A.realist B.classicist C.romanticist D.impressionist3.The author of Odw to the West Wind is__A____.A.Shelley B.Byron C.romanticist D.impressionist4. Which of the following did not belong to Romanticism?DA.Keats B.Shelley C. Wordsworth D.Alfred Tennyson5.Prometheus Unbound was written by___D___.It appeared in the year of Peterloo Massacre.A.Wordsworth B.Cloeridge C.Byron D.Shelly6.Frankenstein was filmed many times. Who wrote the book?CA.Edgar Allan Poe B.James Joyce C.Mary Shelley D.Brain Stoker7.Which of the following poem was not written by John Keats?AA.Ode to the West Wind B.Ode to AutumnC.Ode on a Grecian Urn D.Ode to a Nightingale8.Whose informal essays observed life with humor, and often in a gloomy tone?BA.Joseph Addison B.Charles LambC.Lord Chesterfield D.Thomas Hardy9. Mary Shelley s novel Frankenstein belongs to the type of___A___which is often set in gloomy castles where horrifying ,supernatural events take place.A.Gothic B.Realism C.Romanticism D.Classicism10.The English poets___D____,William Wordsworth ,and Robert Southey, were known as Lake Poets because they lived in the Lake District Northwestern England at the beginning of the 19 th century.A.George Gordon Byron B.John KeatsC.Percy B.Shelly D.Samuel Taylor Coleridge11.George Gordon Byron was famous for the following works EXCEPT__B_____.A.Childe Harold s Pilgrimage B.Ode to SkylarkC.Hours of Idleness D.Don Juan12.Prometheus Unbound is a symbolic work in the form of verse-drama written by___A____.A.Percy Bysshe Shelley B.John KeatsC.Samuel Taylor Coleridge D.George Gordon Byron13.The famous line If winter comes, can Spring be far behind? was from__A___written by Percy Bysshe Shelley.A.Ode to the West Wind B.Ode on a Grecian UrnC.Ode to a Skylark D.Ode to a Nightingale14.__C____is one of the best known novels written by Jane Austen.A.Jane Eyre B.Tess of the d UrbervillesC.Pride and Prejudice D.The Wuthering Heights15.Essays of Elia and Tales from Shakespeare were written by famous essayist__C____.A.Robert Burns B.William Black C.Charles LambD.Robert Frost16.Which of the following is the novel by Jane Austen?BA.Frankenstein B.Sense and SensibilityC.Kubla Khan D.Don Juan第五階段 維多利亞時期(19世紀中期~19世紀末)The Victoria PeriodI 概述Although writing from different points of view and with different techniques,writers in the Victorian Period shared one thing in common, that is, they were all concerned about the fate of the common people. By this time, Romanticism gradually gave way to Realism. During the Victorian Age the novel gradually became the dominant form of literature.II真題詳解1.Which of the following is NOT a romantic poet?B (2005)A.William Wordsworth B.George ElliotC.George G.Byron D.Percy B.Shelley2.Which of the following novels was written by Emily Bronte?(2007)DA.Oliver Twist B.Middlemarch C.Jane Eyre D.Wuthering Heights3.All of the following are well-known female writers in the 20 th century Britain EXCEPT__A____.(2008)A.George Eliot B.Iris Jean Murdoch C.Doris LessingD.Muriel Spark4.___C____is best known for the technique of dramatic monologue in his poems.(2010)A.Will Blake B.W.B. Yeats C.Robert BrowningD.William WordsworthIII練習題1.Which is Thackeray s masterpiece?BA.The Virginians B.Vanity FairC.The Book of Snobs. D.The News Comes2.___A___,the pioneering woman,according to D.H. Lawerence, was the first novelist that started putting all the actions inside .A. George Elliot B.Jane AustenC.Charlotte Bronte D.Emily Bronte3.The French revolution is the background of__B___.A.Hard Times B.Tales of Two CitiesC.Great Expectation D.David Copperfield4.Charles Dicken s best-depicted characters are those innocent, virtuous, persecuted, and helpless__B____ characters such as Oliver Twist, Little Nell, David Copperfield and little Dorrit.A.girls B.children C.women D.adults5.__C____was published in 1849. Of all my books, wrote Charles Dickens, I like this the best.A.Oliver Twist B.The Ole Curiosity ShopC.David Copperfield D.Great Expectation6.Charles Dickens is a representative__A____of English critical realism.A.novelist B.dramatist C.poet D.essayistr7.Jane Eyre was written by which Bronte sister?BA.Anne B.Charlotte C.Emily D.Jane8.The author of the novel The Return of the Native is__A____.A.Thomas Hardy B. D.H.LawerenceC.Robert Browning D.Alfred Tennyson9.Which of the following female writers did not belong to the Bronte Sisters?DA.Charlotte Bronte B.Emily BronteC.Anne Bronte D.Mary Bronte10.The novel The Mill on the Floss was written by__A___.A.George Eliot B .Jane AustenC.Chatlotte Bronte D.Emily Bronte11.The novel Oliver Twist is the story about the underworld of__C____.A.Ireland B.Washington C.London D.Paris12.William Makespeace Thackeray s topics were mostly dealing with___A__.A.the middle and upper-class lifeB.the school teachers lifeC.the urban lifeD.the sea life13.Which of the following novelists was the last of the great Victorian novelists?CA.Charles Dickens B.William Makespeace ThackerayC.Thomas Hardy D.George Meredith14.The greatest novelist of the Realism in the 19 th century was_A______.A.Charles Dickens B.Jane AustenC.Mark Twain D.David Lawerence15.Which of the following novels was NOT written by Charles Dickens?DA.David Copperfield B.The Pickwick PapersC.Oliver Twist D.Women in Love16.Jane Eyre is the best known of___A___ s novels.A.Charlotte Bronte B.Emily BronteC.Jane Austen D.Emily Dickinson17.In the three novels of Adam Bede, The Mill on the Floss and Silas Marner written by_D____, moral problems are discussed and psychological analysis of characters are emphasized.A.Charlotte Bronte B.Jane AustenC.Charles Dickens D.George Eliot18.In Memoriam, which was written a long period of 17 years, is often regarded as the most important of___B____ poems.A.Percy Shelley s B.Alfred Tennyson sC.John Keats D.William Yeats第六階段 現(xiàn)代主義時期(19世紀末~)The Modern PeriodI概述Contrary to the traditional romance of aristocrats, the modern English novel gives a realistic presentation of life of the common English people. The realistic tradition is sensitive to immediate social issues. After 1914, the realistic tradition, though it continued to live, was gradually overtaken by other literary trends such as symbolism, the stream of consciousness and naturalism.II真題詳解1.Which of the following writers is a poet of the 20 th century?(2006)AA.T.S. Eliot B.D.H. LawerenceC. Theodore Dreiser D.James Joyce2.William Butler Yeats was a(n)__C____poet and playwright.(2007)A.American B.Canadian C.Irish D.Australian3.The novel Sons and Lovers was written by__C___. (2009)A.Thomas Hardy B.John GalsworthyC.D.H. Lawerence D.James JoyceIII練習題1. The Lawerence Trilogy refers to the following three plays except____D__.A.A Collier s Friday NightB.The Daughter-in LawC.The Widowing of Mrs. HolroyedD.Lady Chatterley s Lover2.Which of the following writings is not the work by Charles Dickens?DA.A Tale of Two Cities B.Hard TimesC.Oliver Twist D.Sons and Lovers3.The modern English novel, contrary to the medieval romance, gives a__B____presentation of life of the common people.A.romantic B.realistic C.prophetic D.idealistic4.Structurally and thematically, George Bernard Shaw follows the great tradition of_____C___.A.Modernism B.Romanticism C.RealismD.Naturalism5.John Galsworthy was famous for__C____.A.Heart of Darkness B.UlyssesC.The Forstyle Saga D.A Passage to India6.Several gifted women played a part in 19th century literature. Which of the following is an exception?AA.Virginia Woolf B.Emily BronteC.Jane Austen D.Charlotte Bronte7.George Bernard Shaw is an outstanding __A____ dramatist.A.realistic B.expressionistic C.modernist D.classical8.T.S. Eliot is generally considered to be the most important English_A_____.A.poet B.novelist C.dramatist D.essayist9.Which of the following was NOT written by D.H. Lawerence?DA. Sons and Lovers B.Women in LoveC.The Rainbow D.Widowers Houses10.Who is NOT the major figure of modernist movement?DA.T.S. Eliot B.James Joyce C.Charles DickensD.Ezra Pound11.Which one is D.H. Lawerence s autobiographical novel?AA.Sons and Lovers B.Women in LoveC.The Lost Girl D.Lady Chatterley s Lover12.W.S. Maugham was most famous for___C____.A.Moon and Sixpence B.Cakes and AleC.Human Bondage D.The Razor s Edge13.George Orwell wrote__B____, the best and most moving English novel about the Spanish Civil War.A.The Road to Wigan PierB.Homage to CataloniaC.Animal FarmD.Nineteen Eighty Four14.Which book made Graham Greene one of the greatest contemporary novelists in England?AA.The Power and the GloryB.The Quiet AmericanC.A Burnt Out-CaseD.The Human Factor15.One of the great names in English poetry in the first four decades of the 20 th century is___C___, an Irishman whose Sailing to Byzantium is considered one of his masterpiece.A.Thomas Hardy B.Robert BrowningC.William Butler Yeats D.Alfred Tennyson16.__D____was the greatest English playwright after Shakespeare whose works like Pygmalion, Mrs Warren s Profession, Heartbreak House and Widower s Houses won hi everlasting reputation.A.Somerset Maugham B.Richard SheridanC.Oscar Wilde D.George Bernard Shaw17.The trilogy A Modern Comedy was written by __C____who was a noteworthy modern novelist and received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1932.A.D.H. Lawerence B.Arnold BennettC.John Galsworthy D.Somerset Maugham18.The great modern novels The Rainbow and Women in Love were written by__D____,one of the greatest figures in______English literature who regarded sex and intuition as a key to undistorted perception of reality and a way to respond to the inhumanity of the industrial culture.A.Sigmund Freud; the 19 th centuryB.William Faulker;the 20 th centuryC.James Joyce; the 19 th centuryD.D.H. Lawerence; the 20 th century19.James Joyce s novel___A___has been highly eulogized in the western literary world as one of the greatest works of fiction in the 20 th century.A.Ulysses B.Daisy Miller C.Sister CarrieD.The Mayor of Casterbridge20.E.M. Froster was a famous__C___whose work _____is his acknowledged masterpiece.A.essayist; Essay of EliaB.poet; PygmalionC.novelist;A Passage to IndiaD.playwright;The Land of Heart s Desire21.Virginia Woolf was an important female__D___ in the early 20 th century England.A.poet B.essayist C.playwright D.novelist22.Animal Farm published in1945 written by __B___tells the revolt of a group of animals on a farm against their human masters.A.E.M. Forster B.George OrwellC.John Ruskin D.Elizabeth Gaskell第二章 美國文學第一階段 獨立革命之前(17世紀中期之前)The Literature before the Revolution of IndependenceI 概述Three stages of development:1)Traditional LiteratureThe traditional literature was originally transmitted almost entirely by words of mouth. It consists of scared stories, folktales, and songs as part of the rituals annual festivals, tribal traditions and narrative accounts of gods and heroes.2)Transitional LiteratureThe traditional literature is represented by translations of the great India orators of the 19 th century and memories of the Indian experience in relation to white dominance.3)Modern LiteratureThe modern literature includes novels, short stories, and poetries written in English by native Americans of the 19 th and 20 th centuries.第二節(jié) 北美殖民時期文學(十六世紀末 十七世紀中期)Literature of Colonial SettlementsThe first American literature was neither American nor really literature. It was not American because it was the work mainly immigrants from England. It was not literature as we know it-in the form of poetry, essay, or fiction but rather an interesting mixture of travel accounts and religious writings. (Bode, Book One,5)John Smith was considered to be the first author in the history of American literature. His A True Relation of Virginia(1608)(《關于弗吉尼亞的真實敘述》)was considered to be the first book in American literature. His another well known book was A Map of Virginia with a Description of the County(1612).第三節(jié) 清教思想的表述 PuritanismAmerican Puritanism stressed predestination, original sin, total depravity, and limited atonement from God s grace. Over the years in the new homeland they built a way of life that stressed hard work, thrift, piety, and sobriety. Literature of the New England Settlement is mainly a literary expression of the Puritan idealism. It is based on the Biblical myth of the Garden of Eden.III練習題___D___usually was regarded as the first American writer.A.William Bradford B.Anne BradstreetC.Emily Dickinson D.Captain John Smith第二階段 獨立革命時期(17世紀中期~18世紀末)The Literature around the Revolution of IndependenceI 概述Both Calvinist beliefs and deism were employed by the writers at this period . Calvinist stressed original sin and predestination, but deists held that God is the creator of the universe. Deism was the religion of Enlightenment , a philosophical movement of the 18 th century characterized by belief in the power of human reason. With Franklin as its spokesman, the literature of this period experienced an age of reason and order.III練習題1.Which poem is not written by Freneau?DA.The British Prison Ship B.The Wild Honey SuckleC.The Indian Burying Ground D.The Flood of Years2.Thomas Jefferson s attitude, that is, a firm belief in progress, and the pursuit of happiness, is typical of the period we now call__B___.A.Age of Evolution B.Age of ReasonC.Age of Romanticism D.Age of Regionalism第三階段 浪漫主義時期(18世紀末~19世紀中后期)American RomanticismAmerican Romanticism was also called American Renaissance. It was a rebellion against the objectivity of Rationalism. For romantics, the feelings, intuitions and emotions were more important than reason and common sense.They emphasized Individualism, placing the individual against the group. They affirmed the inner life of the self and cherished strong interest in the past, the wild, the remote, the mysterious and the strange. Early American Romanticism was best represented by New England Fenimore Cooper and Washington Irving in fiction.*Walt Whitman(沃特.惠特曼)(1819~1892)Leaves of Grass《草葉集》It is a monumental work for its uniquely poetic embodiment of American democratic ideals. Most of the poems in it sing of the en-mass and the self as well.Song and Myself《自我之歌》In it, Whitman s own early experience may well be identified with the childhood of a young growing America, and he sets forth the principal beliefs of both the theory of universality and singularity and equality of all beings in value.Whitman is also innovative in terms of the form of his poetry. He adopted free verse (自由詩體) poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.A looser and more open-ended syntactical structure is frequently favored. Lines and sentences of different lengths are left lying side by side just as things are,undisturbed.*Emily Dickinson(艾米莉.狄金森)The theme of her works is usually religion, life and death, love and marriage,etc. Her poetic idiom is noted for directness, plainest wordsand brevity.II 真題詳解1.Who among the following is a poet of free verse?(2009)BA.Ralph Waldo Emerson B.Walt WhitmanC.Herman Melville D.Theodore DreiserIII練習題1.Which of the following is NOT one part of The Leather Stocking Tales by Cooper?AA.The Spy B.The Pathfinder C.The PioneersD. The Deerslayer2.Which statement about Thoreau was NOT right?CA.He was a lover of natureB.He was a particular kind of romanticC.He was a polemicistD.He was a thorough transcendentalist3.Which of the following has been called the manifesto of American Transcendentalism ?CA.Divinity School Address B.Self-RelianceC.Nature D.The American Scholar4.The period before the American Civil War is generally referred to as__C____.A.the Modern Period B.the Realistic PeriodC.the Romantic Period D.the Naturalist Period5.All of the following are works by Nathaniel Hawthorne EXCEPT___B___.A.The Marble Faun B.TypeeC.The Scarlet Letter D.Mosses from an Old Manse6.Which of the following is not a work of EmilyDickinson?BA.I Heard a Fly Buzz When I DieDB.The RavenC.That is My Letter to the WorldD.I Like to See it Lap the Miles7.Whitman s poems are characterized by all the following EXCEPT__A_____.A.the strict poetic form B. the free and natural rhythmC.the easy flow of feelings D.the simple and conversational language8.Poe s first collection of stories is___D___.A.Tales of a Traveler B.Leather Stocking TalesC.The Canterbury Tales D.Tales of the Grotesque Arabesque9.Which book is not written by Emerson?DA.The American Scholar B.Self-RealianceC.Nature D.Civil Disobedience10.The finest example of Hawthorne s symbolism is the recreation of Puritan Boston in__A_____.A.The Scarlet Letter B.Young Goodman BrownC.The Marble Faun D.The Ambitious Guest11.The chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism is___B____.A.Nathaniel Hawthorne B.Ralph Waldo EmersonC.Henry David Thoreau D.Washington Irving12.Transcendentalists recognized____A__as the highest power of the soul .A.intution B.logic C.data of the senses D.thinking13.Which is regarded as the Declaration of Intellectual Independence ?AA.The American Scholar B.English TraitsC.The Conduct of Life D.Representative Men14.American literature produced only one female poet during the nineteenth century.This was_C____.A.Anne Bradstreet B.Jane AustenC.Emily Dickinson D.Harriet Beecher15.__D____is not written by Washington Irving.A.The Sketch Book B.Rip Van WinkleC.The Legend of Sleepy Hollow D.The Autobiography16.Which of the following books is a tremendous chronicle of an appalling vovage in pursuit of a seemingly supernatural white whale?BA.The Scarlet Letter B.Moby DickC.The Marble Faun D.Moses from an old Manse17._B____was the first man of letters from the United States to win an international reputation .A.Nathaniel Hawthorne B.Washington IrvingC.James Fenimore Cooper D.Longfellow18.Ralph Waldo Emerson is the most outstanding of all the__B___writers in_____literature.A.transcendental/English B.transcendental/AmericanC.realistic/English D.realistis/American19.Edgar Allan Poe occupies an important position in American literature as a poet and a__A____.A.short story writer B.novelist C.dramatist D.translator20.In Walden, who urges people to simplify their lives and look to nature for meaning?CA.Robert Frost B.Walt Whitman C.Henry David ThoreauD.Herman Melville21.The setting of the novel The Scarlet letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is in__D____.A.England during World War IIB.Paris during the French RevolutionC.the Middle Ages in ItalyD.Puritan America22.The Lost of the Mohicans written by__A__in 1826 is quite bloody but full of images of the beauty of nature.A.James Cooper B.Washington Irving C.William Cullen BryaNt D.Nathaniel Hawthorne23.The solemnity and melancholy are clearly felt white reading the beautiful poem Annabel Lee written by American poet__B___.A.Robert Frost B.Edgar Allen PoeC.E.E. Cummings D.Walt Whitman24.Literary critics have often praised Henry Longfellow s creation of American lore as a great__C____.A.playwright B.novelist C.poet D.essayist25.__B_____is an American poet whose great work Leaves of Grass written in unconventional meter and rhyme, celebrates the self, death as a process of life, universal brotherhood, and the greatness of democracy.A.E.E. Cummings B.Walt Whitman C.Robert Frost D.Ezra Pound26.Emily Dickinson, American greatest_C_____, wrote more than a thousand verses infused with emotional depth and subtlety.A.essayist B.short story writer C.lyric poetess D.novelist第四階段 現(xiàn)實主義時期(19世紀中期~20世紀初)American RealismI概述Broadly defined as the faithful representation of reality or verisimilitude, Realism is a literary technique practiced by many schools of writing. A reaction against Romanticism, an interest in scientific method, the systematizing of the study of documentary history, and the influence of rational philosophy all affected the rise of Realism in American literature, the term Realism encompasses the period of time from the Civil War to the turn of the century during which Henry James, Mark Twain, and others wrote fiction devoted to accurate representation and an exploration of American lives in various contexts. As the United States grew rapidly after the Civil War, the widely felt disillusionment and frustration, the increasing rates of democracy and literary, the rapid growth in industrialism and urbanization, an expanding population base due to immigration, and a relatve rise in middle-class affluence provided a fertile literary environment for readers interested in understanding these rapid shifts in culture . What had been expected to be a Golden Age turned to be a Gilded Age . The Age of Realism is also called The Gilded Age by Mark Twain.Major Features of Realism in American Literature:1)Straightforward or matter-of-fact manner.2)Focus on commonness of the lives of the common people.3)Objective rather than idealistic view of human nature.4)Present moral visions.5)Usually open ending.II真題詳解1.William Sidney Porter, known as O.Henry, is most famous for___C___.(2005)A.his poems B.his plays C.his short stories D.his novels2.Who wrote The American?(2005)CA.Herman Melville B.Nathaniel HawthorneC.Henry James D.Theodore Dreiser3.The Financier is written by__D___.(2010)A.Mark Twain B.Henry JamesC.William Faulkner D.Theodore DreiserIII練習題1.The Age of Realism in the literary history of the United States refers to the period from __D____ to______.A.1861/1920 B.1865/1920 C.1861/1914 D.1865/19142.Mark Twain is well-known for his___C___.A.frontier theme B. symbolism C.local color D.international theme3.The major trend in American literature in the seventies and eighties of the 19 th century is_B____.A.Romanticism B.Realism C.Sentimentalism D.Naturalism4.The three dominant figures of the American Realistic Period are the following EXCEPT___A__.A.Jack London B.William Dean HowellsC.Mark Twain D.Henry James5.Whose fame largely rested on his handling of the international theme?DA.Mark Twain B.Stephen CraneC.Theodore D.Henry James6.The book that gives a fairly accurate picture of southern plantation life is__C___.A.An American Tragedy B.The Call of the WildC.Uncle Tom s Cabin D.A Hazard of New Fortunes7.__B____expresses Jack London s view that success means an adaptation to circumstances a coordination of inner energy and external force.A.Martin Eden B.The Call of the WildC.White Fang D.The Sea-Wolf8.Jack London wrote___A___as an attack on Individualism .A.Martin Eden B.The Call of the WildC.White Fang D.The Sea Wolf9.Which of the following statements is NOT true of the American naturalists?AA.They stressed the possible triumph of human will.B.They ventured the forbidden subjects such as sex, death, and violence.C.They wrote in a daring, open, and direct manner.D.They see human beings no more than a physical object under the control of biological and environmental forces.10___D__is regarded as one of the finest psychological fiction writers in America because he explored the motivations and frustration of his fictional characters in terms of Freudianism.A.Jack London B.Mark TwainB.Stephen Crane D.Sherwood Anderson11.In 1900, Jack London published his first collection of short stories, named__A____.A.The Son of the Wolf B.The Sea WolfC.The Law of Life D.White Fang12.Which book is NOT written by Mark Twain?DA.The Gilded AgeB.The Prince and the PauperC.Life on the MississippiD.The Portrait of a Lady13. The novel Sister Carrie was written by__B___.A.Henry James B.Theodore DreiserC.Jack London D.Frank Norris14.The novel that touched off the American Civil War refers to__B___.A.Gone with the Wind B.Uncle Tom s CabinC.Farewell to Arms D.The Grapes of Wrath15.Maggie: A Girl of the Streets is an example of naturalist fiction, written by_A_____.A.Stephen Crane B.Edith WhartonC.Edgar Allan Poe D.Eugene Debs16.__A____is considered to be Theodore Dreiser s greatest work.A.An American Tragedy B.Sister CarrieC.The Financier D.Trilogy of Desire17.Frank Norris s novel__B____has been viewed as the first full-bodied naturalistic American novel .A.Vandorer and the Brute B.McTeagueC.Sister Carrie D.The Red Badge of Courage18.Jack London s masterwork__C___is somewhat autobiographical.A.The Sea Wolf B.The people of the AbyssC.Martin Eden D.The Star Rover19.The short stories often with surprise endings such as The Gift of the Magi and The Last Leaf are written by____A__.A.O.Henry B.Theodore DreiserC.William Faulker D.Jack London20.__B___was an American writer, journalist and humorist, who won a world- reputation for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.A.Ernest Hemingway B.Mark TwainC.Norman Mailer D.J.D. London21.__C____made his name as a leading naturalistic writer with his masterwork, Winesburg, Ohio , a picture of life in a typically small Midwestern town.A.Frank Norris B.Upton SinclairC.Sherwood Anderson D.John Steinbeck22.American author__A___ s book The Red Badge of Courage published in 1895 brought his international fame.A.Stephen Crane B.Alex HaleyC.Norman Mailer D.John Steinbeck23.American author Theodore Dreiser was generally regarded as an outstanding representative of__A____, whose novels like Sister Carrie and An American Tragedy depict real life subjects in a different harsh light.A.Naturalism and RealismB.Romanticism and NaturalismC.Modernism and NaturalismD.Colonialism and Modernism24.__B___is a prolife American novelist and short story writer, whose works such as The Call of the Wild and Martin Eden deal romantically with the overwhelming power of nature and the struggle for survival.A.Northrop Frye B.Jack LondonC.Richard Wright D.Alice Walker25.Which of the following is NOT written by Henry James?DA.Daisy Miller B.The Portrait of a LadyC.The Bostonians D.The Genius26.American writer Harriest Stowe was best-known for the anti-slavery novel___C___, which was written in reaction to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.A.A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManB.After Many a SummerC.Uncle Tom s CabinD.Gulliver s Travels27.At the end of the 1860s, the two representatives of American Realism were Mark Twain and__C____.A.Stephen Crane B.Ernest HemingwayC.William Dean Howells D.John Steinbeck第五階段 現(xiàn)代主義時期(20世紀初~)American ModernismI概述第一節(jié) 現(xiàn)代詩歌 Modern PoetryIn the 20 th century, two characteristic strains in American poetry are introspection and social criticism. These two themes are frequently combined into introspective social critricism, in which the poet explores the depths of his own feelings with regard to what appears to him to be the injustices of the society that forms his environment.During the first decade of the 20 th century , Modernism became an international tendency. The essence of Modernism was a break with the past and fostered self fulfillment. Modernism displayed its momentum first in the movement of Imagism.第二節(jié) 現(xiàn)代小說 Modern FictionLost Generation included the young English and American expatriates as well as men and women caught in the war and cut off from the old values and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad.The Beat Generation was a product of the time. Social and intellectual changes of the 1950s in American catalyzed the Beat Movement. The Beat Generation was a generation who affected an alienation form general society because they rejected conventional social and moral values.*Ernest Hemingway(歐內(nèi)斯特.海明威)He was generally regarded as spokesman for the Lost Generation. He was famous for his novels and short stories written in his spare, laconic, yet intense prose with short sentences and very specific details. Almost all his stories deal with the theme of courage in face of tragedy. They reveal man s impotence and despairing courage to assert himself against overwhelming odds.*William Faulkner(威廉.??思{)(1897~1962)He was the foremost southern writer of the 20 th century. His theme is essentially an analysis of the underlying cause for the failure and decay of the South before the Civil War.His fiction carries a strong sense of fragmentation in social community and within the individual himself due to loss of love and lack of emotional response.II真題詳解1.The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls is written by___D__.(2006)A.Scott Fitzgerald B.William FaulknerC.Eugene O Neil D.Ernest Hemingway2.Death of a Salesman was written by__A____.(2007)A.Arthur Miller B.Ernest HemingwayC.Ralph Ellison D.James BaldwinIII練習題1.The leader of the imagist movement in American literature is__B____.A.Wallace Stevens B.Ezra PoundC.Robert Frost D.Thomas Stearns Eliot2.__C____wrote about the disintegration of the old social system in the American Southern States.A.Jerome David Salinger B.John UpdikeC.William Faulkner D.F. Scott Fitzgerald3.All the following writers belong to The Beat Generation except_B____.A.Allen Ginsberg B.John UpdikeC.Jack Kerouac D.Lawerence Ferlinghetti4.The Naked Lunch is written by__A____.A.William Seward Burroughs B.Lawerence FerlinghettiC.Allen Ginsberg D.Jack Kerouac5.__B_____is often acclaimed as the literary spokesman of the Jazz Age.A.Ernest Hemingway B.F. Scott FitzgeraldC.William Faulkner D.Ezra Pound6.Which of the following is not a black author?BA.Richard Wright B.Alan GinsbergC.James Bladwin D.Ralph Ellison7.In which period did Canada s most famous and successful writers appear?AA.Post-war period B.Period of nation-buildingC.Early colonial period D.Pre-European period8.__B____called for an American renaissance in culture and collaborated in fashioning a new kind of poetry called Imagism.A.Carl Sandburg B.Ezra PoundC.Dos Passons D.Scott Fitzgerald9.Robert Frost is a regional poet in the sense that his poems depict mostly___D___.A.the frontier life B.the sea adventureC.the puritan community D.New England Landscape10.Which of the following authors is NOT the Nobel Prize winner?DA.Ernest Hemingway B.Eugene O NeillC.William Faulkner D.F. Scott Fitzgerald11._C_____is Hemingway s first true novel, which portrays the lost generation .A.For Whom the Bell Tolls B.The Old Man and the SeaC.The Sun Also Rises D.A Farewell to Arms12.William Faulkner was the foremost American__C___writer of the 20 th century.A.New England B.Western C.Southern D.Black13.Who wrote the famous two-line poem In a Station of the Metro?AA.Ezra Pound B.W.B.Yeats C.T.S. Elliot D.M.Thomas14.Ezra Pound s major work of poetry is the long poem called_C_____.A.Hign Seluyn Mauberley B.Make It NewC.Pisan Canto D.Polite Essays15.In the novel The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway portrayed an old fisherman named___A____, wh shows triumphant even in defeat.A.Santiago B.Jack Barnes C.Martin Eden D.Tom Sawyer16.In 1962, John Steinbeck was awarded the__B____for literature.A.Pulitzer Prize B.Nobel Prize C.Bolligen Prize D.Tom Sawyer17.In 1951, Jerome David Salinger published his first and only novel___A____.A.The Catcher in the Rye B.Breakfast at Tiffany sC.Bullet Park D.Let Your Mind Alone18.The Rabbit Series were written by__A____.A.John Updike B.Jerome David SalingerC.Mark Twain D.Erza Pound19.The poem Howl is written by___A__.A.Allen Ginsberg B.John UpdikeC.Lawerence Ferlinghetti D.Jack Kerouac20.___D____was Jack Kerouac s best novel.A.Mexico City Blues B.Howl and the poemsC.Visions of Cody D.On the Road21.Lawerence Ferlinghetti is a/an__B_____.A.playwright B.poet C.novelist D.essayist22.___B____,born in American, considered as one of the great poets in both American literature and British literature, got British nationality in 1927.A.John Updike B.T.S. Eliot C.Mark Twain D.Ezra Pound23.Ralph Ellison was an African-American writer, whose enovel_B_____published in 1952 gained a wide critical success, and he has been compared to such writers as Melville and Hawthorne.A.The Grapes of Wrath B.Invisible ManC.Native Son D.The Sound and the Fury24.Alex Haley became famous with the publication of the novel__B____, which woke up an interest in genealogy, particularly among African Americans.A.Native Son B.Roots C.The Age of InnocenceD.Sophie s Choice25.Catch 22 was written by American witer___C___and the phrase catch 22 has entered the English language to signify a no-win situation, particularly one created by a law, regulation or circumstance.A.Joseph Conrad B.Upton Sinclair C.Joseph Heller D.Mark Twain26.Ernest Hemingway is one of the most famous American novelist, short-story writer and essayist , whose simple prose style in the works like___B___have influenced wide range of writers.A.All the King s Men B.The Sun Also RisesC.The Color Purple D.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn27.Sinclair Lewis ,the author of__B____, is an American novelist, playwright, and social critic who has gained popularity with satirical novels.A.Tom Jones B.Main Street C.Moby Dick D.The Bluest Eye28._B____is an American poet whose are often set in rural New England, exploring the relationships between individuals and between people and nature.A.Ernest Hemingway B.Robert FrostC.F.Scott Fitzgerald D.John Steinbeck29.American writer Harper Lee is famous for her race relations novel__B____which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1961.A.The Scarlet Letter B.To Kill a MockingbirdC.The Great Gatsby D.Naked Lunch30.E.E Cummings is best known for his lyrical and typographically eccentric__B_____.A.novels B.poetry C.prose D.drama31.American author Margaret Mitchell wrote an enormously popular novel___C____, which tells a story about the Civil War and Reconstruction as secret from the southern point of view.A.Winesburg, Ohio B.Go Tell It on the MountainC.Gone with the Wind D.Invisible Man32___A_____ s best known novel is The Catcher in the Rye, a story about a rebellious teenage schoolboy and his quixotic experiences in New York.A.Jerome David Salinger B.Robert FrostC.F. Scott Fitzgerald D.John Steinbeck33.___C____received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962, and he is best remembered for The Grapes of Wrath, a novel widely considered to be a 20 th century classic.A.Sinclair Lewis B.Jerome SalingerC.John Steinbeck D.F. Scott Fitzgerald34.Pearl S. Buck, who won the Nobel Prize in 1938, wrote many novels about China, and the best known is__A____.A.The Good Earth B.The Caine MutinyC.A New Life D.The Portrait of a Lady35.__A_____, one of America s greatest playwright, won the Nobel Prize in 1936, the first American playwright to receive the honor. Some of his most famous works include Anna Christie, the Hairy Ape, The Iceman Cometh, Long Day s Journey into Night and so on.A.Arthur Miller B.Tennessee WilliamsC.Bernard Malanmud D.Eugene Galdstone O Neill